Home > 29th Synod > Worship amazes on first day of business

Worship amazes on first day of business

Rev Alan Robinson presents a Bible reading. Photo by Osker Lau

Worship on the first business day of the 29th Synod of the Uniting Church in Queensland was a reflection on the Call, “Uniting in Christ”.
Bible study leader, Rev Wendi Sargeant, encouraged members of Synod to decorate cardboard cut-out people on their tables to represent all the people at the meeting as an “intercession action”. During the day people decorated their groups of cut outs as a way of celebrating the whole people of God.

Artist and minister, Rev Alan Robinson of Beenleigh Region Uniting Church, drew as he spoke the Bible reading, Mark 2:1-12 (Jesus Forgives and Heals a Paralyzed Man), in his own words. Just as in the reading, people were amazed by the way Mr Robinson opened up a familiar reading in a new way. The resulting three drawings were displayed on the wall at the front of the meeting.

Photos of the artwork are in the photo gallery for Day 1 of the Synod meeting.

Photo : Rev Alan Robinson presents a Bible reading. Photo by Osker Lau