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UnitingCare staff piece together reconciliation

Tilly Jarvis from the UnitingCare Centre for Social Justice adds her comments for the Pledge Wall. Photo courtesy of Dot King
STAFF AT UnitingCare Queensland Corporate Office and UnitingCare Health in Brisbane shared their thoughts on what
reconciliation means to them at a morning tea on 30 May held to celebrate National Reconciliation Week.

Some staff brought giant puzzle pieces they had been given on Close the Gap Day and which they had decorated to illustrate their commitment to reconciliation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

As each piece of the reconciliation puzzle was joined together, the group of people who made it briefly shared the meaning of their puzzle piece.

Their comments and feelings were recorded and placed on the Pledge Wall at the State Library, which was set up to receive pledges to ensure reconciliation continues to be an important part of bridging the gap in Australia.

Staff awareness around the need for taking proactive steps to reconciliation has been heightened since the launch of UnitingCare Queensland’s Statement of Commitment for a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) on 1 February 2011.

A RAP working group is now well on the way towards the development of a Reconciliation Action Plan for UnitingCare Queensland.

Photo : Tilly Jarvis from the UnitingCare Centre for Social Justice adds her comments for the Pledge Wall. Photo courtesy of Dot King