Home > Queensland Synod News > Youth worker’s doco leaves viewers breathless

Youth worker’s doco leaves viewers breathless

Centenary Uniting Church youth worker Jason Bray launched his debut film at the Palace Centro cinema, New Farm, in February to a full house and with endorsement from Queensland Governor Quentin Bryce.

Breathless is a documentary dealing with the issue of chemical sniffing, known as chroming, that is plaguing homeless, low-income and Indigenous youth in Queensland.

Told through the voices of a mother whose 17 year-old daughter died from chroming, a homeless man, a street kid and many others, Breathless introduces the homeless, marginalised, abused and addicted living in South East Queensland.

“While these stories contain sadness and heartache, by the end of the film the viewer will also have gained a sense of hope and admiration for the strength of our subjects,” said Mr Bray.

“The Uniting Church Queensland Synod is excited by this creative endeavour which seeks to influence many workers across the youth sector as well as bring the issues of homelessness, drug use and marginalised youth into the public eye.”

The film is confronting in its straight up manner and includes a scene where a group of young girls describe the different kinds of hallucinogenic benefits achieved from inhaling different coloured paints.

Mr Bray said he is looking for further distribution of Breathless. “The documentary is in the process of being released to social workers and the general public in Queensland.”

For more information or to order a copy of Breathless, visit HERE.