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Blokes gawkin and talkin

Joe Johnstone, John Eden, Rod Brumpton cooking up a Father’s Day feast. Photo by Peter Taubner
Father’s Day seems to bring a certain licence for Dads to relax and admit they like cars and a chat; not necessarily in that order.

On Mother’s Day most Uniting Churches present chrysanthemums to pin on tops. Father’s Day presents a rare opportunity to present sausages and sauce to spill on shirts.

Big boys toys and a barbecue will greet worshipers at Burdekin Uniting Church as blokes bring their favourite cars, tractors, tools and toys and enjoy a sausage sizzle all morning.

“It’s about gawkin’ and talkin’,” said minister Rev Paul Clark.

“We’ll even have a blessing of the toys as we create an opportunity for folk who don’t normally come to church to gawk at the good news and talk about the good life.”

There may not be quite so much time for a day off in Banana.

Aside from a busy farming cycle, the surrounding mining industry runs seven days a week, so Sunday is a work day.

“Still, we’re expecting about a hundred for a combined churches breakfast on Father’s Day.” Rev Peter Taubner said.

“We have a combined churches service on the first Sunday of the month in Moura, and on Father’s Day we move 20 minutes down the road to Banana.”

The Father’s Day event has been running for a few years, combining drama, a book stall and visiting speakers or musicians.

Most families will stay for all-ages worship and to play in the park next door.

Photo : Joe Johnstone, John Eden, Rod Brumpton cooking up a Father’s Day feast. Photo by Peter Taubner