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Journey awarded by religious press

Journey team Osker Lau (left), Mardi Lumsden and Bruce Mullan
The Journey team has been honoured with three Bronze Awards at the Australasian Religious Press Awards held in Brisbane on Saturday night.

In a highly contested competition among print and electronic religious press across Australia and New Zealand journey was commended in the categories for best website having a religious connotations, best editorial/opinion piece and best headline.

The Journey web site www.journeyonline.com.au which now receives around 9000 page views a month was beaten by the SydneyAnglicans and TearAustralia web sites.

The Bronze Award for Journey Editor Bruce Mullan’s Christmas 2007 editorial was described by the judges as, short, to the point, and touching an issue that too often gets lost in the frenetic activity that leads up to Christmas.

“The issue is both contemporary and universal, and the style is immediately arresting, making its point through what seems at first to be an outrageous statement and then explaining it in a way which makes us re-examine our own values – just what such an article ought to do.”

Mr Mullan said it was always exciting to have the work of the Journey team recognised.

“It’s particularly good to have peer recognition and to be awarded by professional judges who are experts in the field.”

The Bronze Award for best headline was for the front page of the August 2007 issue of Journey which looked at Road Safety and the poor driving record of Uniting Church ministers.

The headline was titled “Thou shalt not Rev”.

Other Queensland publications including Baptist, Anglican and Lutheran papers received a number of awards as did the Uniting Church papers Insights (NSW) Crosslight (Vic/Tas) and Revive (WA).

In 2007 Journey received Gold Awards for best newspaper front page and most improved newspaper.

Photo : Journey team Osker Lau (left), Mardi Lumsden and Bruce Mullan