IN the synod offi ce we are calling 2012 the year of belonging. It has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?
Back in July our communications team, now known as Uniting Communications, got together to nut out our mission statement.
What we came up with inspires everything we do.
Here it is: In serving God, Uniting Communications will inspire, resource and engage in conversations across all parts of the Uniting Church in Queensland, making mission and belonging possible.
We don’t want the way the message is communicated to get in the way of the message itself.
To that end, you may notice a few changes in Journey.
There will be an ongoing belonging theme throughout the year in addition to our regular themes.
We have introduced a couple of new regular sections that we hope will give you more chances to interact with the paper and our monthly themes, as well as the Church’s Vision 2020.
Our Snap That column (see below) asks for photos of your church, small group, community service or school living out the themes in Journey.
Each month we will give you the following month’s theme and if you see something you are doing fitting into that (e.g. the Never Alone Friendship Centre, page 11), then send us a photo.
We also want to hear the fantastic questions your children or grandchildren ask about God for our Stuff Kids Ask column (page 4).
Each month we will ask someone working in youth and children’s ministry to help us answer those deep spiritual questions that only children ask.
We have combined the What’s On and Prayer Diary so praying for congregations around the synod becomes part of your calendar.
And we include a photo from each entry of people from the congregation living out the Together on the way, enriching community Vision.
This year, our hope is that all people feel like they belong to the body of Christ and within the Uniting Church in Queensland.