MY CALL to care for creation is based in scripture and woven into my call to discipleship.
As discipleship is expressed through stewardship, I am accountable and responsible for how my imprint impacts creation and calls me to seek actions that glorify God.
The stewardship mandate to care for, or serve, God’s creation (Gen 2:15), motivates me to tread lightly upon this earth.
And the knowledge that Jesus died to reconcile all of creation to God, motivates me to live green and create awareness of
the impact the world faces due to global warming.
A few changes I made toward sustainable living are to use biodegradable cleaners, recycle properly and car pool to the farmers’ market once a week. While science might not convince everyone that global warming is a reality, people’s stories convince me.
I create awareness of the impact global warming has upon the developing world as well as our neighbours in the Pacific Islands.
It is the poorer countries who report reduced rainfall, increased severity in cyclones and sea level rises.
The king tides have increased to an extent that fresh water wells are filled with sea water which has impacted on the community’s ability to grow food.
When there is no food and no money to fly in fresh water, there is poverty.
Following Jesus means engaging life in a way that makes a diff erence and being aware of the balance between my needs and the needs of others.
Caring for creation is that process of facing the present with the future clearly in mind.