One of the consequences of Christmas coming at the end of a year with all the frenetic activity that surrounds it, is that we can lose the hope, joy and power of this event.
For Christians this Advent and Christmas season is not just a time for remembering the birth of the baby Jesus long ago in a shed. It is a time for celebrating the coming of Jesus afresh into our lives today.
I would encourage all who share in the life of the Uniting Church to set some time aside in the hurly burly of this season to reflect upon the ways in Christ is being re-born in your personal life, in the life of your family, in the life of your church and indeed within the wider world.
God, who did not ignore this world and its needs but became incarnate in Jesus, does not ignore us or the needs of his Church and world in our day. Just as the shepherds who heard of the birth of Jesus while at work took time to stop and see what God was doing, let us also stop and see what God is doing amongst us. Again like the shepherds let’s tell our stories of God’s new life to others and so share the hope, joy and power of Christmas.
I pray that everyone might experience the hope, joy and power of the ever present Christ this Christmas.
May the blessing of God be in your life this Christmas and into the New Year.
Rev Bruce Johnson
Photo : Rev Bruce Johnson, Moderator of the Queensland Synod