MARK TWAIN once said: “Some people think the world owes them a living. Someone should tell them the world was here first!”
This feeling that I am responsible for my own welfare, combined with a strong work ethic was stamped on my psyche from childhood.
I have been a member of the Liberal Party (now LNP) for many years and find that the ideals and aspirations of the conservative side of politics match mine.
In fact both Jesus and Paul exemplify personal responsibility and a work ethic as an integral part of life. [Said in good humour.]
I am proud that it was the Howard Government that brought the initiative of (non-denominational) chaplains in schools into being.
Slowly we see the value of Christianity being erased from our nation – being replaced by the so-called tolerance of humanism.
We need to take this ground back and Christian school chaplains stand at the forefront of this battle.
Sir Robert Menzies said that human nature is at its greatest when it combines dependence upon God with independence of man.
This in no way diminishes the value in society of those who need to depend on the State for their livelihood.
We are a compassionate nation, built on a strong Judeo-Christian heritage.
Judi Hinspeter is an elder at Townsville Central City Mission