FIRSTLY, MY special thanks go to John Harrison, Don Whebell, Greg Mackay, and all who contributed to the July edition of Journey.
During researching the Fitzgerald era I came to understand that despite (and perhaps due to) the Fitzgerald Inquiry, the majority of Australians live in a society fairly free from corruption.
However, there are many issues Fitzgerald brought up for the church to grapple with: issues of Christian activism, our responsibility to stand for justice for the disadvantaged, and the call to ‘love our neighbour’.
And if we are called to respond the injustices in our own society, we can then also recognise injustices in other parts of the world.
Perhaps we can uphold Fitzgerald’s reforms and suggestions on a global scale. No child should be held in an adult prison yet girls in Afghanistan are forbidden an education and children in the Congo work in conditions of slavery so we can enjoy a chocolate bar.
Who will make a public protest like members of our church did in the 1980s?
Where are the revolutionary voices of the Uniting Church in Queensland? Who will stand up for righteousness?
I know you are out there.