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Though The Bud Be Bruised

Even Before Publishing,

Capalaba Qld,


Reviewed by Wendy Scott, Kenmore Uniting Church elder.

THIS book is hot.

It will sear all your preconceived notions of “good Christians”.

Though The Bud Be Bruised is a true story with names changed and some characters morphed together for a more cohesive narrative.

It is raw without being offensive.

It would be a hard-hearted person who could read this book and not shed a tear.

The story is of a very devout Christian family with a son and daughter both entering their teens.

One night at midnight, the mother reads a note from her 13-year-old daughter saying that she has been abused.

It has taken her four years to get the courage to speak up and for the abuse to stop.

She tells her parents that the perpetrator is her father's best friend and part of their Bible study group.

Incredulous, the family confront the perpetrator, who eventually confesses to lesser sins.

The pain and consequences for the whole family are very real, especially the mother's plea for a way to resign as a mother.

How the church and family handle this provide lessons for all of us: how not to make the burden worse for a victim, and how to support a victim.

As is unfortunately common enough, the abuser was a serial pedophile who used the church to gain respect and trust and acquire new victims.

The church's response of inappropriate forgiveness without consequences and a lack of openness prevented his other victims from coming forward and warning others.

This is a very readable novel that is nevertheless very confronting.

Church leaders and parents should read this to learn how to protect and facilitate the recovery of the most vulnerable among us.

As a mother, youth leader and church councillor I have learned much, and wish that I had read this book earlier.