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Daily Reflections for Advent 2010

Ronald D. Witherup

St. Anthony Messenger Press 2010

RRP $4.95

Reviewed by Linda Hanson, a Pomona Uniting Church member.

This book, or what they call a pamphlet, is easy to read and small enough to carry with you throughout the Advent season.

Each day has a bible reading from the Old Testament, New Testament and Psalms, as well as a scripture to remember. Then there is a reflection, a suggested action and a concluding prayer.

The reflections draw out the themes from the Advent readings. The four prominent ones being – patient waiting, promise, hope and joy.

Actions include reaching out to people, spending more time in prayer and seeking reconciliation.

As it is a Catholic resource there are also rosary prayers and actions asking the reader to name their favourite saint and martyr.

The closing prayers sum up the theme for the day and send the reader out into the world refreshed and encouraged.

There is one prayer to Mary that Protestants may struggle with, but if you can overlook these few details, the booklet is an excellent resource.

It is easy to get lost in Christmas preparations and this booklet helps the reader find space to deepen their spiritual life and enhance their appreciation of the Advent season.

I found the booklet easy to use, and as it suggests I am considering integrating it into our advent calendar.

At $4.95 it’s a bargain that I would recommend to anyone.