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God of Surprises (2008 revised and updated edition)

Darton, Longman and Todd

This is a dangerous book! If you are courageous enough to let it, it will change you because it is about the challenge of emptying yourself and becoming another Christ.

God of Surprises will help the committed reader get in deeper touch with self, including the inner desires and fears that are at the core of all of our lives.

Formed largely by Ignation tradition, Hughes, a Jesuit, finds God in everything, and leads the reader down a path in order that we can find God in the most unlikely of places – in ourselves.

On the way, Hughes gives the reader tools for the journey such as methods of prayer and imaginative exploration of biblical stories. He also explores some of the things that prevent us being intimate with God, such as holding on to false and damaging images of God.

God of Surprises will not provide a simple, formulaic way into a deep inner life with God. It does however show you a way, and provide exersises that will help you, to find your real self, help you explore your life and your relationship with God.

God of Surprises is not a book to be rushed but one to be journeyed through, read and re-read as you come closer to finding your home in Christ.

Reviewed by Karyl Davison, Rural Ministry Coordinator, Central Queensland & Mary Burnett Presbyteries