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A Penny for Your Thoughts

A Penny for Your Thoughts
By Penny Harland with Sarah Patterson
RRP $29.95

In A Penny for Your Thoughts, author Penny Harland (with the help of co-author Sarah Patterson) courageously shares herself as she tells her lifelong journey of finding abundant life in the midst of increasing disability.

Penny is both blind and deaf. In early childhood she lost both her sight and her hearing, followed quickly by difficulties with balance, loss of coordination and muscle strength. While these disabilities define her sensory world, they by no means define her contribution to the world at large. A bright and intelligent woman with a thankful and cheerful heart, Penny is one who perseveres and succeeds. More astounding than her completion of three university degrees is her unwavering attitude of hope and possibility.

Her story is engaging. With pictures scattered throughout the pages I was introduced to both the people and places of significant times. Her vivid descriptions of life as a child are delightful in their gaiety and innocence. At times her tone is almost impishly mischievous, feisty and a bit cheeky in a likeable way!

Her story is inspiring. For one with seemingly much to be upset about, Penny never speaks bitterly. With frank and refreshing honesty she recollects many dark and difficult times – the oppressive experience of boarding school, the frustrations of being in the medical ‘too hard basket’, the nightmare of an eating disorder, the interminable loneliness of living in a dark and silent world, the crushing despair of shattered dreams, and the constant battle to create ways of completing ordinary daily tasks. I would have enjoyed knowing more about her journey of faith in the midst of adversity.

You get to meet Penny in the pages of her book. I discovered not only much about her – truly remarkable facts – but also some of who she is. And I liked what I discovered.

To purchase Penny’s book go to www.apennyforyourthoughts.net