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a.k.a. LOST

a.k.a. “Lost”: Discovering ways to connect with the people Jesus misses most
By Jim Henderson
Waterbrook Press
RRP  $21.95

This is an excellent book for those Christians who constantly feel guilty about not doing evangelism. 

Author Jim Henderson is Executive Director of ‘Off the Map’, an organisation committed to the normalisation of evangelism for ordinary Christians and this book sums up his approach to helping people think and feel differently about sharing faith.

a.k.a. “Lost” makes evangelism doable.  With good humour, sensitivity and dozens of practical examples Henderson shows how the task of being an evangelist is manageable for even the most cowardly disciple. 

The chapter headings give it all away: “Evangelism isn’t normal”, “Boldness is overrated”, “Ordinary makes a comeback”, “Count conversations, not conversions”, and “Evangelise with your ears”. 

This book is about a whole new approach to sharing faith which leaves the prepared script, contrived presentations and traditional programs far behind. 

The “Attempting the ordinary” sections at the end of each chapter are filled with practical challenges.

Even before I’d finished this great book I was feeling I could share faith more successfully. Read it and your life will be richer and your evangelism more effective.