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Witness the Glory of God

David Pitman and Geoff Scott
RRP $15.00 (including postage and handling).

David Pitman from Brisbane and Geoff Scott from Adelaide were members of the 10th Assembly and like many others were deeply challenged by the theme of the Assembly – "Witness the Glory of God". David and Geoff responded to that challenge and have produced a book – Witness the Glory of God, which is now available for members of the Uniting Church.

The book identifies a number of the diverse avenues by which God’s glory is revealed – in Christ, in the natural world, in the worship of the faith community, in communities that nurture their citizens, in the service that is offered and received, and in those moments when we feel abandoned because of our life circumstances.

David and Geoff wanted to produce an interactive resource for individuals, congregations, worship and study leaders. The book contains essays on themes, but it is not simply a theological text book; it has discussions starters but it is not simply a discussion group booklet; it makes many suggestions that can be incorporated into worship but it is not simply a worship resource. It is all of these and more.

The book is liberally sprinkled with photographs and images that are meant to enhance the text. Many of the photographs were initially part of the worship and community life of the 10th Assembly, and these have been supplemented by others sent from all over Australia. Faith stories are shared with the readers and there are frequent suggestions of "something to do."

The book expresses the conviction that, not withstanding controversy, the Glory of God was evident at the 10th Assembly and that God’s glory can be, and is found in the lives of Uniting Church members and congregations, and if we open ours eyes and hearts we will see God’s glory in our midst. That is what the Assembly challenged us to do and that is what this book reinforces.

Witness the Glory of God can be purchased through MediaCom for $15 (including P&H).