Home > Local Church News > Chinchilla/Brigalow Uniting Church: organised for mission

Chinchilla/Brigalow Uniting Church: organised for mission

Chinchilla Uniting Church members Lana, Connie and Tasmyn at their confirmation service. Photo: Chinchilla Uniting Church

The progressive and dynamic town of Chinchilla is located in the Darling Downs region of Queensland. The Chinchilla/BrigalowUniting Church enriches its local community in a variety of ways. Tara Burton spoke with congregation member Jill Covington.

Who makes up your congregation?

We have an ageing congregation, between 50 and 90 years old.

There are a few young families starting to attend each week with their families.

Sunday School has recommenced with the dedicated help of four young people.

The attendance numbers vary weekly but we are hopeful for numbers to improve.

We attempt to hold services to please all age groups.

Our talented musicians provide uplifting music before, during and after each service.

What is your mission statement?

As part of the Uniting Church in Queensland, the Chinchilla/Brigalow Uniting Church is engaged in the revitalisation journey, Together on the way, enriching community.

We are committed to Uniting in Christ; acting with love, living with hope, witnessing in faith, and working for justice.

Chinchilla/Brigalow Uniting Church members share in God's mission in the world.

We will be guided by the values that derive from and give expression to God's reconciling action in Jesus Christ.

What does forming disciples mean for you?

With the diversity of our rural town, forming disciples means that we have to move outside the church walls, away from the Sunday morning time slot and enter the new and exciting mission field presented by our district.

In the name of Christ, we are now challenged to meet people from different cultures as well as those who hold different ethics and values.

Discipleship is moving away from the pulpit and out into the community and taking the message of salvation to where people are.

What is your vision for the future?

Our vision for the future is one of change whilst acknowledging the traditions of our ancestors.

It is a vision of mediation and understanding, of moving forward and greeting others with Christ at the head of all our decisions and directions.

While living in a rapidly changing district due to the diversity of the mining and energy sectors, we are challenged as Christians to be models of Christ – of a loving, understanding, thoughtful and compassionate being who greeted everyone in the name of love.

Fast Facts:


  • population 6700
  • Chinchilla is on the most northerly point of the Condamine River
  • a mix of gas exploration, a power station development project, extensive feedlots, cotton growing and broad-acre farming.

Gospel Values:

  • Faithfulness
  • Compassion
  • Humility
  • Truthfulness
  • Justice

What's happening:

  • a new play group for mothers new to town
  • a prayer group for people to pray quietly, contemplate and share problems
  • in 2012 the inaugural International Dinner focused on connecting with the growing number of South Africans moving to town to work in the mining industry
  • regular fellowship group meetings.

Social media:

Photo : Chinchilla Uniting Church members Lana, Connie and Tasmyn at their confirmation service. Photo: Chinchilla Uniting Church