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Dalby church celebrates

Left: Rev Jenny Sims, Marshall Hamilton, and Glenn Ogden plant an olive tree at the Dalby Uniting Church centenary celebrations. Photo by Ian Williams

THE planting of an olive tree signified the hope for a long future for the Dalby Uniting Church at its centenary celebrations on 11 November.

The former Methodist church sprang to life with a packed service, inspiring worship with a great blend of old and new music, cake and delicious food; all the ingredients for a wonderful celebration of 100 years of worship.

Over 180 people joined in the festivities.

Tongues wagged as old friends returned for the day and caught up with each other.

A piece called Little Church on the Corner was written for the occasion by in-house composer Noeleen Johnson and focused on the faithfulness of God who will lead the congregation on into their second century.

Photo : Left: Rev Jenny Sims, Marshall Hamilton, and Glenn Ogden plant an olive tree at the Dalby Uniting Church centenary celebrations. Photo by Ian Williams