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TUCA Box caters to Toogoolawah

Photo courtesy of Toogoolawah Uniting Church

AT the TUCA Box (Toogoolawah Uniting Church in Australia Box), the ladies of the Toogoolawah Fellowship Guild cater for more than 100 people at each fortnightly cattle sale, with that number doubling at each of the weaner cattle sales in 2011.

The TUCA Box may be new, but the traditions are longstanding.

For over 60 of the 85 years of the Methodist and later Uniting Church in Toogoolawah, regular cattle sales have been held in the town. And since 1958, when Shepherdson & Boyd started conducting the cattle sales, the ladies of the Toogoolawah Methodist Guild and later the Fellowship have been serving refreshments at the saleyards, at first from open fi res and tents in the paddock, then a corrugated iron lean-to, and from 1972 until 2008 from an unsecured Besser brick upgrade to the lean-to.

Catering at cattle sales provides vital funds for our Lord's work in this little corner of our country, so we pray that the ladies of the Toogoolowah Ladies Fellowship will be able to continue the good work that began over 54 years ago.

Photo : Photo courtesy of Toogoolawah Uniting Church