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Connecting with Community

IN MAY Nanango Uniting Church hosted a Rural Muster, a gathering of lay people and ministers primarily from country congregations, at the Nanango Cultural Centre.

Over 80 people were involved in the weekend and they came from near and far.

Pastor Julie Greig, a Rural Chaplain in New South Wales, was the guest speaker.

A former wheat and sheep farmer, she has much experience of life in the country.

The planning group had no idea of the devastation of floods, cyclones, winds etc that would affect so much of Queensland in the early part of this year.

They were concerned that this may mean some people would not have the financial resources to attend.

So they decided to encourage people to come and pay only whatthey were able.

They received donations of over $3000 (and promised more if required) towards the cost of the Muster, the speaker paid her own fares, about 10 people were fully sponsored and others were partially sponsored or assisted with petrol costs.

Organisers were thankful for practical assistance from Foodworks, the Tourist Centre, Boots ‘n’ Bulldust, the RSL and Country Focus.