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Wesley Bible stand remembers Robin

Mr Peter Slaughter (left) and Dr Tony Milne with the Bible stand. Photo courtesy of the Wesley Hospital
AN EXQUISITE gold plated bible stand made from brass and Carrara marble was dedicated to the Wesley Hospital chapel, in Brisbane, in memory of Robin Slaughter on 14 February.

Wesley Chaplain, Richard Lance, said Mrs Slaughter was a patient at the hospital, coming in regularly throughout her illness and enjoyed spending time in the chapel.

“There is a bit of an Auchenflower community that come to the Sunday service here at the Wesley Chapel and Peter and
Robin were a part of that,” said Mr Lance.

When Mrs Slaughter passed away last year her husband Peter wanted to give something to the chapel in her memory.

After approaching the Pastoral Care Department, it was decided the chapel could use a Bible stand.

“Peter wanted something special in memory of his wife and was put in contact with Peter Vamvarkaris who had the chapel’s Jerusalem Cross commissioned by retired Paediatric Surgeon and talented craftsman, Dr Tony Milne,” said Mr Lance.

He said the new Bible stand would not be out of place in St Stephen’s Cathedral in the city.

Mr Slaughter said it is a fitting memorial for his wife.

“Robin enjoyed spending time in the chapel and I thought the bible stand was something that my wife would have liked.”

The Wesley Hospital Pastoral Care team thanked Mr Slaughter for his generous contribution to the chapel, which is a popular part of the hospital.

Photo : Mr Peter Slaughter (left) and Dr Tony Milne with the Bible stand. Photo courtesy of the Wesley Hospital