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Cromwell College celebrates 60 years!

OVER THE weekend of the 3rd and 4th July, almost 300 current and past residents, staff, and ‘friends of the College’, celebrated the 60th Anniversary of Cromwell College, a residential college located within The University of Queensland.

The weekend celebrations began on Saturday evening at Hillstone St Lucia, where guests travelled from far and wide to honour this significant milestone in the life of Cromwell College, whilst also having the opportunity to farewell Cromwell’s outgoing Principal, Rev. Dr Hugh Begbie, and to welcome our new Principal, Mr Ross Switzer and his wife Jenny.

A wonderfully vibrant and nostalgic atmosphere prevailed as guests enjoyed the chance to catch up and reminisce with friends and acquaintances that were established years, and even decades, earlier.

100 guests attended the Thanksgiving Service held at the College Chapel on the Sunday, conjointly led by Dr Joe Goodall, Moderator of Queensland Congregational Fellowship, and Rev. Bruce Johnson, Moderator of The Uniting Church in Australia, Queensland Synod. Rev. Bruce Johnson, gave the address entitled “The Spirit gives Life” drawing on the reading from 2 Corinthians Chapter 3 Verse 17, ‘Now the Lord is Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom’, the Cromwell College motto: Latin version VBI SPIRITVS IBI LIBERTAS.

The service was a special occasion to give thanks to the founders of Cromwell College for their vision in establishing a university college in which a theological college might also be incorporated. The commemorative service was followed by tours of the College showing the many changes that have transpired over the years, to both the College buildings and the grounds. A celebratory luncheon then held in the College Dining Hall.

Cromwell thank the Cromwell Community for their participation and support over the celebration weekend and we look forward to welcoming you to our next special event.