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New name unites vision

Bruce Mullan, Joy Balazo, Kerry Enright , and Rob Lutton at the UnitingWorld launch at Indoorooplly Uniting Church. Photo by John Harrison
INDOOROOPILLY UNITING Church played host for two events on 28 April celebrating the Queensland launch of UnitingWorld, formerly Uniting International Mission.

People interested in the church’s global partnerships gathered to celebrate the mission of God and hear how to live out the Basis of Union’s call to be a church which transcends cultural, economic, and racial boundaries.

UnitingWorld National Director Rev Dr Kerry Enright spoke of the mission of the Church being at its very essence worldwide in scope.

“In recent years the Church has rightly emphasised the local nature of mission,” he said. “Today God is renewing the global spirit in us.”

With an eye on the rich history of international mission in Queensland Dr Enright called those present to join in a new era of international engagement.

“We want to support you in enthusing your friends, congregations, and communities for this engagement.

“We ask you for your support, prayers, interest and contacts,” he said.

Joy Balazo associate director, Peacemaking, shared stories of lives changed as a result of the work of Young Ambassadors for Peace (YAP) in Papua New Guinea and Ambon, Indonesia.

Dr Enright and Ms Balazo were joined by Bruce Mullan, associate director, Church Solidarity, Pacific, on a panel that talked about various challenges facing overseas work and the approach of UnitingWorld.

This reinforced the Church’s commitment to seek relationships with churches in Asia and the Pacific.

Earlier in the day there was a round table meeting where Church leaders and UnitingWorld staff explored ways to lead congregations into effective and mutually enriching partnerships through UnitingWorld.

Some key dimensions discussed were the need: to provide theological underpinning to the life of the Church in preaching and teaching; to bring a world perspective to input; to keep stretching people’s attention towards the breadth of God’s interest; and to work to make our global partnerships personal through the stories of the people with whom we engage.

Rob Lutton, community relationship manager, led a session on best practice in short-term mission teams.

UnitingWorld is eager to facilitate such teams as part of the partnership mix for congregations and presbyteries connecting for life with one of its 30 plus partner churches.

For more information visit www.unitingworld.org.au

Photo : Bruce Mullan, Joy Balazo, Kerry Enright , and Rob Lutton at the UnitingWorld launch at Indoorooplly Uniting Church. Photo by John Harrison