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Murray Darling Prayer Pilgrimage

Breaking the Drought – Praying for Rain
Murray Darling Prayer Pilgrimage 30th Sept & 1st Oct 2008

Warwick Marsh, Australian Heart Ministries and Ps Peter Walker, Australian Indigenous Christian Ministries, are undertaking a prayer pilgrimage along the Murray River from the Hume Weir to the Mildura /Wentworth junction of the Murray Darling.

This prayer pilgrimage is being supported by the Australian Prayer Network and the Indigenous Prayer Network, Christian groups/churches and individuals all over Australia.

The purpose of the Murray Darling Prayer Pilgrimage is to rally people together to pray for a final end to the drought and for a flood of rain to fill the dams and clean out the Murray Darling River System and avert a human and ecological disaster.

Warwick Marsh said, "The inland areas of Victoria and New South Wales have been in the grip of a severe drought for seven years. Some places have suffered longer.

This has caused unspeakable hardship for our farmers and regional communities.

The Murray Darling river system is in a very poor state with no water for irrigation for many years now.

The situation is extremely serious. A leaked scientific report has warned of an irreversible ecological disaster unless major rain falls by October."

Warwick Marsh and Ps Peter Walker are asking Christian church leaders, local dignitaries, members of parliament, state government representatives, and members of the public to join with them in special prayer services along the river. They also invite others to join them on the journey.

Peter Walker said, "There has been a lot of talk about climate change. The best way to produce a climate change favourable for rain, is through prayer. This is our reason for the Murray Darling Prayer Pilgrimage. We invite you to join us as we pray for the healing of our rivers and land."

The Murray Darling Prayer Pilgrimage will start at 12 noon at the Hume Weir on Tuesday 30th September and conclude in the Mildura/Wentworth area on the evening of 1st October 2008.

Each prayer service will be held for approx 30 minutes. During each prayer service local dignitaries and church leaders will be asked to bring a brief greeting and/or lead in prayer and/or give a bible reading.

Warwick Marsh and Ps Peter Walker will do likewise and then lead in a short communion service with prayers for the healing of the land according to 2 Chronicles 7:14 and Isaiah 43:19-21. All those present will be invited to pray and participate as much as possible.
