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Reading between the pews

PHILLIP DAY, creator of the Between the Pews cartoon, which appears in Journey, has published a book of his cartoons.

The book contains Between the Pews cartoons from 1994 to the present day, mostly black and white with colour pages scattered throughout.
Mr Day said he selected his favourite cartoons for the book.

“It’s great to look back at the older cartoons and remember what was going through my head when I drew them,” he said.
“Compiling this book has been like a trip down memory lane in some ways.”

In a demonstration of the support and encouragement Mr Day has received from the Uniting Church, the book has an introduction by Rev John Mavor and photos by Rev Rob Packer.

Mr Day also thanks his local Uniting Church congregation in Beaudesert.

Between the Pews will be released in early December for $15.00 plus postage and handling.

To order click here to email Phillip Day.