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Camping out in NQ

Camp Out participant reaches great heights. Photo by Stephen Kersnovske
Spread over two weekends in two locations over a hundred excited children from across North Queensland attended this years Kids Camp Out in Townsville and Cairns.

A non-stop program included crafts, playing games and rides with a special worship service organised and led by children on Sunday morning.

Youth and Children’s Ministry Unit (YACMU) Regional Worker and Camp Out organiser Mr Stephen Kersnovske said the great thing about Kids Camp Out is that all congregations need to do is invite children and provide leaders.

“All the rest of the organising is done.

“One congregation brought two boys but both got to see and experience the wider church in action.

“One congregation advertised Camp Out in their local school and most of the children that attended had no connection with the church.” 

Click here to email Stephen Kersnovske.

Photo : Camp Out participant reaches great heights. Photo by Stephen Kersnovske