Launching the 2009 program, the Lent Event founder and coordinator Sarah White expressed her deep appreciation for the Queensland Synod’s $90,000 in donations to the 2008 appeal.
“My heartfelt thanks go out to all the Ministers, Coordinators, church leaders and church members who embraced the Lent Event, it was a truly great effort and gives a great deal of hope for what is possible in 2009 and beyond,” she said.
Ms White said it was a blessing to be part of the work of Lent Event which she described as, “a Uniting Church movement that seeks to draw people nearer to God’s purposes and provide development assistance to communities experiencing extreme poverty.”
Telling the story of the Lent Event, Ms White said her experience was simply and profoundly a gift of the unmerited grace of God.
“The resources encourage participants to reflect on the place of Christ within their lives as part of a continual reordering of priorities and values in the likeness of Christ. That is the journey of discipleship.”
The theme for the 2009 program and resources is “Finding faith in testing times”.
“I believe given the current economic, environmental, socio-political climate and the personal struggles that so many are laden with, this theme at this time, perhaps more than any other ,will speak powerfully and deeply into people’s lives,” she said.
Ms White outlined the high calibre resources for the 2009 Lent Event program including a combined Prayer Book and Bible Study, comprehensive children’s’ program developed by the Queensland Youth and Children’s Ministry Unit, a youth study, worship resources to enhance the Lenten journey.
Copies of the resources can also be found on the Lent Event website
Photo : Lent Event founder and coordinator Sarah White with the 2009 Prayer Book and Bible Study