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Pacific Conference marks 50 years

PCC General Secretary Fe’iloakitau Tevi. Photo by Joe Yaya.
THE LARGEST ecumenical church grouping in the Pacific region is planning to celebrate its 50th anniversary from 30 August to 4 September in Samoa.

“The 50th anniversary is a celebration of the achievements of the Pacific Conference of Churches (PCC) over the last five
decades,” said an ENInews statement.

“The occasion will also give the opportunity for the PCC to look at what’s in store for it in the immediate and long-term future.”

General Secretary, Fe’iloakitau Tevi, said the celebration will look back at highlights of the PCC’s contribution to the formation of the Pacifi c region, its independent countries and the issues that Pacific island countries and people have
had to address.

A number of key speakers, former staff members and other experts will contribute.

It will also look at contextualising the issues facing people today and how the church is responding to these issues, said Mr Tevi.

“This is an opportunity for the Pacific Conference of Churches to lay out and present the concept of ‘Rethinking Oceania’,” he said.

“This concept is now the underlying premise of the work of PCC and in its essence, it calls for the reintroduction of the notion of self-determination into the discussions of our societies and how well we can be equipped to face the challenges of the future,” Mr Tevi explained.

“In addition there will be numerous celebrations of the ecumenical movement in the Pacific in true Pacific style," he said.

The PCC is asking people in the region to send any stories or pictures to them so that they can use them in publications to mark the occasion.

For more information click here.

Photo : PCC General Secretary Fe’iloakitau Tevi. Photo by Joe Yaya.