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Christians unite in global prayer and action

 Girl makes handprint on 10.10.10 canvas in Cabramatta NSW.

ON SUNDAY 10 October 2010 (10.10.10) millions of Christians across the globe united for a day of global prayer and action.

From India to the UK, Zambia to Ecuador and every state and territory around Australia, Christians paused to remember the poor in our world, and to worship God for his heart of justice.

More than seventy countries took part in the first global Micah Challenge campaign.

In Australia every major denomination was represented, including Churches from Anglican, Catholic, Pentecostal, Church of Christ, Uniting Church, Salvation Army and Baptist traditions.

The day was a powerful example of the body of Christ coming together in unity.

“We’ve been so encouraged by the Church in Australia standing and committing themselves to fight for God’s justice to stand up for God’s heart for the poor!” said Micah Challenge National Coordinator, John Beckett.

Globally, more than 60 million Christians the equivalent of the population of the UK prayed a prayer based on the words of the prophet Nehemiah, as they stood in the gap for those in poverty and repented of their own inaction.

“Zimbabwe will never be the same again," is the message that Jonathon Chikumbu has been hearing from people in his

“We pray that it will be so in the name of Jesus.”

In Malawi, more than 82 000 citizens across the nation took part in the 10.10.10 activities.

“To God be the glory!” said Lloyd Mtalimanja. “We are excited to be part of what’s happening around the world.

The people of God have prayed and they have integrated God’s heart for justice into their worship.” said Mr. Beckett.

Churches also ‘leant a hand’ to the 10.10.10 cause, making handprints as a symbol of their pledge to fight poverty.

These handprints will be delivered as petitions to newly elected parliamentarians, ensuring that global poverty is on the political agenda early in the election cycle.

“Churches will now carry this message to their politicians and let them know, ‘We want you, as our leaders to take this fight against poverty seriously’.

The collective voice of Christians in this country is being heard, and it is really making a difference!” said Mr Beckett. West
Ryde Baptist Churchgot behind 10.10.10, basing their service around the action.

They also took the opportunity to engage with another local Presbyterian Church in their area, who also took part in 10.10.10, and now plan to deliver their handprints in a joint visit to their Member of Parliament.

“10.10.10 worked really well at our Church”, said Senior Pastor, Steve Hales.

“We often feel so helpless in the face of poverty,but this is one way we can express our allegiance to something that is so clearly close to God’s heart, and our desire to do what we can.” “We love getting involved in Micah Challenge actions because they provide a concrete way that people can commit themselves todo something in response to injustice,” he said.

For more information about Micah Challenge action ideas, click here

Photo : Girl makes handprint on 10.10.10 canvas in Cabramatta NSW.