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Stand up and lead with Women in the Pacific

Image courtesy of UnitingWorld.

On this International Women's Day (Friday 08 March 2013) UnitingWorld are delighted to support our partner churches throughout the Pacific as we launch: Transforming Lives through Leadership: a project with Pacific Women.

Why theological training?

When Pacific women enter the church in leadership positions they can transform whole communities.

Women within our partner churches tell us first-hand about the anguish facing families displaced by rising tides.

They tell us of the high rate of domestic violence in many communities, so often left unchallenged.

Because the church is powerful in many Pacific communities it can act as an agent of change.

Female church leaders can foster environments where women share experiences, speak frankly and critically appraise their faith.

They can tackle sensitive issues and work to change the perceptions of traditional female roles in the wider community.

Rev Seforosa Carroll, UCA Minister and Administrator of Manahine Pasefika (Association of Oceanian Women Theologians) says "Christianity is absolutely central to the culture of Pacific people.

"While it brought much that is good, continuing misinterpretation of the Bible forces women into the role of second class citizens.

"Theological education is a powerful way for Pacific Women to gain a deeper understanding of the Bible and faith, in turn empowering them to re-shape society."

What will this project do?

Together with men and women in our partner churches, UnitingWorld is committed to helping Pacific women train at theological college and lead their churches and communities.

The project supports the training and ministry of women.

It also provides women the practical resources they need, including access to textbooks, student fees and accommodation.

This is the first step in a major UnitingWorld initiative supporting women in the Pacific. Description: C:Userstara.burtonAppDataLocalTempOICE_A4F653C5-1FD6-44CB-AF91-F9AA7C46163D.0msohtmlclip1�1clip_image003.png

Photo : Image courtesy of UnitingWorld.