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We’re rapt in this gift catalogue!

FROM support for antitrafficking programs to resources for ministry training, the 2012 Everything in Common gift catalogue produced by UnitingWorld offers 30 creative ways to support the work of Uniting Church partners in Asia, Africa and the Pacific.

"We've provided a range of gifts that are not only about sharing material resources that help overcome poverty but are also providing training for the future," says UnitingWorld National Director Kerry Enright.

"That includes equipping young leaders in Zimbabwe to cope with HIV/AIDS and conflict resolution.

We're partnering with the church in South Sudan to train midwives, desperately needed in a country with one of the highest rates of maternal mortality in the world.

"And we're offering theological training in the Pacific and Africa."

Everything in Common includes gifts from $10 to $250 in the three partnership regions.

Congregational gift ideas at $2000 are also suggested.

These include a well for a community in Zimbabwe, support for a new Pacific women's project and resources for the anti-trafficking program in India.

For more information, visit www.everythingincommon.com.

To run an Everything In Common gift stall at your church, contact Stephanie at UnitingWorld on 02 82672332.