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UnitingCare launches Reconciliation Action Plan

Moderator, Rev Kaye Ronalds, UnitingCare Social Justice Director, Greg Mackay, UnitingCare Queensland CEO, Anne Cross, and UAICC National Administrator, Rev Shayne Blackman, enjoy the RAP launch. Photo by Mardi Lumsden
AFTER a year of work, UnitingCare Queensland launched its Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) on 9 February during a special celebration at the State Library of Queensland.

The RAP provides a framework for the future which will help the organisation deepen its relationships and make its services more culturally relevant.

The Plan builds on the work that UnitingCare Queensland had already undertaken towards reconciliation across its service groups and evolved during a year-long series of workshops.

These were attended by staff from across the organisation who are passionate about reconciliation, including more than 40 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff .

Endorsed and approved by the UnitingCare launches Reconciliation Action Plan Executive Leadership team and the UnitingCare Board, the RAP contains accountable, measurable actions focused on three core elements – strengthening
relationships, demonstrating respect and developing mutually benefi cial opportunities.

At the launch UnitingCare Queensland CEO, Anne Cross, gave a moving speech that showed how deep the commitment to reconciliation is through the organisation and cited the Uniting Church’s commitment through the revised Preamble which acknowledges the First Peoples of Australia.

“The RAP now forms a key part of UnitingCare Queensland’s strategic planning and reflects the organisation’s values of
Compassion, Respect, Justice, Working together and Leading through learning,” she said.

“Clearly there is still a long way to go but we are so glad to be part of the journey and hope that each of the small steps we take will make a real contribution to reconciliation.”

Other speakers included Moderator, Rev Kaye Ronalds, and Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress (UAICC) National Administrator, Rev Shayne Blackman.

The UnitingCare Queensland RAP is a two-year plan that will be revisited and refreshed annually.

It is intended as an overarching document for UnitingCare Queensland and its service groups.

Each group will, in time, develop its own Reconciliation Action Plan.

The Plan is underpinned by active engagement with, and representation by, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across all service groups.

There will be many focus areas during 2012 including the establishment of an advisory group on reconciliation, development of a support network for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff , and practical cultural awareness training and guidelines for staff .

The Executive team will participate in ‘visits to Country’ to learn and understand more about the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and clients.

UnitingCare Queensland provides compassionate care to more than 14 000 people every day through its service groups
UnitingCare Community, Blue Care, UnitingCare Social Justice and UnitingCare Health (The Wesley Hospital and St Andrew’s War Memorial Hospital in Brisbane and The Sunshine Coast Private Hospital and St Stephen’s Hospitals in Maryborough and Hervey Bay).

For more information visit www.ucareqld.com.au or to watch a video about the RAP visit www.youtube.com/UnitingCareQld

Photo : Moderator, Rev Kaye Ronalds, UnitingCare Social Justice Director, Greg Mackay, UnitingCare Queensland CEO, Anne Cross, and UAICC National Administrator, Rev Shayne Blackman, enjoy the RAP launch. Photo by Mardi Lumsden