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Blue Care shows gratitude to valued volunteers

BLUE CARE will recognise its 2,380 valued volunteers across Queensland and northern New South Wales as part of International Volunteer Day today.

Blue Care services around the state are thanking their volunteers at various morning teas and luncheons throughout this week.

Blue Care Volunteer Coordinator Nikki Briskey said it’s important to acknowledge the wonderful Blue Care volunteers and the great work that they do.

“Every time I think of our volunteers I get a warm glow in my heart because they make such a difference to the lives of our clients and are all such giving people,” Mrs Briskey said.

“Volunteering maintains the vitality of our community and enriches the lives of others.

“Blue Care is always looking for more volunteers so if you have some spare time and would like to meet new people please contact us.”

Blue Care volunteers spend one-on-one time with clients and provide them with much needed social interaction in the community, in Blue Care centres and residential aged care facilities across Queensland and northern New South Wales.

Established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1985, International Volunteer Day is celebrated world wide with a range of initiatives all aimed to highlight the role of volunteers in their communities.

Blue Care’s services are subsidised by the Australian and State Governments, however, as the costs of caring are more than the funds provided, Blue Care relies on financial support from the community and a dedicated team of volunteers.

To find out more about how to become a Blue Care volunteer, visit www.bluecare.org.au