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St Andrew’s Star Cardiologists

Dr Wayne Stafford and Dr John Hayes. Photo by Susan Walsh

THREE QUEENSLAND cardiologists were awarded Fellowships by the international Heart Rhythm Society (HRS), the most pre-eminent cardiology and electrophysiological organisation in the world, at the Society’s 32nd Annual Scientific Meeting in San Francisco in May. 

Two of the cardiologists are based at Brisbane’s St Andrew’s War Memorial Hospital, Dr Wayne Stafford and Dr John Hayes were awarded Fellowships as a result of their efforts spanning 20 years in the field of cardiology and cardiac research. St Andrew’s War Memorial Hospital is one of five hospitals operated by UnitingCare Health in Queensland.

Dr Stafford and Dr Hayes said they were honoured to be awarded the Fellowship. Both cardiologists are also members of the Royal Australian College of Physicians and the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand. The third eminent cardiologist to receive the Fellowship was Dr Geoffrey Trim. 

The Heart Rhythm Society is the international leader in science, education and advocacy for cardiac arrhythmia professionals and patients, and the primary information resource on heart rhythm disorders. Its mission is to improve the care of patients by promoting research, education and optimal health care policies and standards.

Visit www.hrsonline.org for more details

Photo : Dr Wayne Stafford and Dr John Hayes. Photo by Susan Walsh