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Social responsibility review – NAIDOC week

Because of her, we can

A detailed list of events and resources for NAIDOC week is available online.

This year’s artwork

Cheryl Moggs is a proud descendant of the Bigambul people of the Goondiwindi, Bungunya and Toobeah regions in south west Queensland. She is the winner of the prestigious National NAIDOC Poster Competition for 2018. Her artwork tarmunggie – Woman draws on the history, courage and resilience of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women. Listen to Cheryl talk about her artwork and read about the design and the stories it tells.

Download the poster here.

NAIDOC Posters 1972 – present

What a fascinating online exhibition of history! The posters are displayed in decades and are available for download. Come to the Uniting Church Centre at 60 Bayliss St, Auchenflower during the next week to see them displayed in the dining room. They are beautiful as well as educational!

Join Common Grace on this NAIDOC Week journey

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christian women profoundly shape our lives, our churches and our nation. As leaders, trailblazers, pastors, theologians, activists and social change advocates these women have fought and continue to fight for justice, equal rights, access to education, employment and to maintain and celebrate culture, language, music and art. Common Grace will be sharing stories from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women each day of NAIDOC Week. This will be a deeply moving week. Sign up to receive notifications and get involved.

First Peoples – women reflect

TEAR is honoured to be sharing reflections from some amazing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women who are bringing hope to their people and inspiring the next generation. Sign up to receive inspiring reflections and ongoing news about issues affecting Australia’s First Peoples and reconciliation. Excellent resources are available here.

Don’t tell me to “get over” it

This informative and passionate opinion piece is as relevant today as when it was published in 2016. Author Luke Pearson writes, Do they think that all of this is about our refusal to “get over” the fact that Captain Cook landed here over 200 years ago, rather than everything that has happened since?

Call to action

Here’s your homework: Check out the pioneer or contemporary Aboriginal women in the lists on the NAIDOC website, then pick one and learn more about her. What are her achievements? Share what you’ve learned with some people around you (family, colleagues, students) and post it on Facebook!

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