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Social Responsibility Review – 14 March

Coming up

Murri Court – Indigenous justice?

Join Reconciliation Queensland for a presentation by Diane Fingleton, former Queensland Chief Magistrate and founder of the Murri Court on Saturday 16 March, 1.00pm–3.45pm at Mitchelton Library, 37 Heliopolis Pde, Mitchelton. Please RSVP by email or call Rosalie on 0448 468 618. This is a free event, bring a plate to share if you wish.

Falling in love with Earth

This exploration of Earth’s spiritual, theological and ethical implications will feature Sr Mary Tinney, founder of Earth Link. The interactive session will use a contemporary Christian approach, with time to explore your story of Earth connection. The event will be held on Saturday 16 March, 9.00am–12.30pm (registration from 8.15am) at Merthyr Rd Uniting Church Centre, 52 Merthyr Rd, New Farm. Cost is $20, including morning tea. Please RSVP for catering purposes: Desley 0409 498 403 or email.  

Frontline truths in Brisbane; #BreakingGround Tour

Join 350 Australia for a special night of storytelling, song and traditional dance as we share #FrontlineTruths. Pacific Climate Warriors from across the Pacific Region and the Pacific diaspora in Australia will be hosting this powerful event on Sunday 3 April from 6.30pm–9.00pm at District Studios 20 Brennan St, Slacks Creek. Tickets $5 or $15 with a plate of traditional Pacific Island food. Please purchase tickets online.

Week in review

For children and parents: Is this my home?

This website and lovely book help parents explain to their children why we need to take care of the place we all call home. There are tips on talking to your children about climate change, answers to difficult questions on climate change, and tips on family activities to prevent the changes and how children can take environmentally friendly action every day.

Overview of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health status 2018

This document provides a comprehensive summary of the most recent indicators of the health and current health status of Australia’s First Peoples.

When we were in school, we didn’t learn about the massacres

First Dog on the Moon is Australia’s only Walkley award-winning marsupial-based cartoonist and has done all sorts of things including books, radio, stage shows and a lot of lying down”. Always clever, insightful commentary on issues of the day. Today’s cartoon explores the difference between Australia’s real history and what we were taught in school.

This little girl is only eight years old

Xochitl has invented a device to help low income families and to prevent trees being cut down around her village. She designed and constructed a solar-powered device to heat water, using only recycled materials, and won a nuclear sciences prize. 


Made in poverty: the true price of fashion

“Chameli, her husband and three daughters live in a stuffy and cramped single room measuring less than nine square metres. Two of the girls must sleep on the floor.” Chameli works in a factory in Bangladesh supplying clothing to Big W. She earns as little as $128 per month … about 51 cents an hour. They can’t afford to send the girls to school and they are trapped in a cycle of poverty.

Oxfam Australia have released this new report revealing a harsh and heartbreaking reality; they investigate the supply chains of Australia’s big brands and what can be done by these brands to make a difference to women like Chameli. Join the campaign to demand a living wage for the women who make our clothes. Email Big W and Bonds!

Check out “My Climate”

This Australian Conservation Foundation website makes 2050 climate projections based on a “business as usual” emissions scenario (RCP 8.5), and calculated using the CSIRO ACCESS 1.3 climate model. I put in Brisbane city as an example and the website took me through the average temperature in the period 1960 to 1990 (25.6°) to the projected weather in 2050 (29.2°, 3.6° hotter, no winter, 21 per cent less rainfall). Check out your area.

Climate damage has to stop with us. Let’s be part of starting a million conversations about climate. Here are some handy facts for your conversation. Get involved.

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