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Synod Standing Committee Update – August 2021

Here’s a brief summary of the Synod Standing Committee (SSC) meeting—held on Thursday 5 August 2021—to inform the wider Queensland Synod community of the discussions, deliberations and decisions arising from that meeting. Due to the lockdown that was in place at the time, this meeting was an online meeting.

Hearing from our agencies and commissions

The SSC was blessed to receive a presentation from Wesley Mission Queensland, highlighting the fantastic work of this agency within our communities. This presentation was delivered by the Chair Paul Newman and CEO Jude Emmer. The members of SSC give thanks to all staff at Wesley Mission Queensland for their continued work and contribution towards the mission of the Uniting Church in Queensland.

Synod Office Mission Engagement Manager Steve Drinkall and Strategic Change Manager Lea Kingdon presented to SSC on Plenty, with an update around work on the Transforming Communities mission priority.

The SSC also received an update from the Finance, Investment and Property Board Chair Geoff Batkin. Members of the SSC give prayerful thanks for the work of this committee and Geoff’s longstanding contribution to the church.

Moderatorial Candidature Task Group

The SSC resolved by consensus to appoint Immediate-past Moderator Rev David Baker as convener of the Moderatorial Candidature Task Group. A communication has been widely distributed to the life of the church regarding the nomination process, with a deadline of 22 November 2021.

Updates from the Moderator and General Secretary

The Moderator updated the SSC on activities throughout July including attending the Central Queensland Presbytery meeting and part of their ministers retreat. The Moderator attended the Queensland Community Alliance leaders meeting on 27 July 2021 where he highlighted the need for the Alliance to refocus efforts on grass roots community organising in the next period of time. The Moderator also provided an overview of the 16th Assembly which was held online during July.

As the General Secretary was on long service leave, the Moderator provided an update to SSC on a range of operational matters including Uniting Education – Early Learning on her behalf. He also advised that a memorandum of understanding has been entered into by the Central Burnett (Mundubbera, Eidsvold, Gayndah), Blackbutt, Nanango, Murgon, Childers, Biggenden, Wondai and Kingaroy Uniting Church communities, to support, encourage and grow discipleship in these areas. This grouping will be called the Burnett Network of Churches.


Congratulations to those who received extensions or nominations to positions within several Synod boards, commissions and committees. The ongoing service of these members to the mission of the church is gratefully acknowledged.

The Synod Standing Committee will next meet on 2 September 2021.

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