Home > Features > Darra Uniting Church – Hội Thánh Tin Lành Liên Hiệp Darra Moves from Dara to Graceville Under Pastor Dang’s Leadership

Darra Uniting Church – Hội Thánh Tin Lành Liên Hiệp Darra Moves from Dara to Graceville Under Pastor Dang’s Leadership

By Andrew McKaysmith, Synod Writer and Content Creator

In a recent interview, Pastor Phuoc Dang discussed the growth and relocation of Darra Uniting Church to Graceville. The move was necessitated by an increase in membership, which exceeded the church’s capacity.

In a move that contrasts with the national trend of declining church attendance, the growth is attributed to a focus on outreach efforts and the church’s proximity to the city, which has helped attract new members. “When I came and received [the role of] pastor of the congregation, the members kept going over a hundred, and I only [was] able to handle 74 maximum,” Pastor Dang said. The decision to move came after eight years with the church, during which the congregation grew beyond the previous location’s capacity. “We were thinking that, you know, we have to have faith and make a bigger church for the community.”

The church has been active in engaging with the community, sharing the gospel, and inviting people to join the congregation. Pastor Dang said they have tried “to outreach to the community, and we have many other occasions when we invite the community come, and we give them the gospel.”Offering bilingual services, the church is considering the possibility of two weekly sessions to cater to different language preferences. “We think we may, if we get enough members, you know, and not speaking English speaking members, and we may expand the services.” 

The relocation signifies the congregation’s growth and underscores its strong adaptability. This change in venue marks a positive direction for the church and demonstrates a steadfast commitment to community service. The relocation not only meets the needs of the growing congregation but also reinforces the church’s continued commitment to serving the community. The move is seen as a positive step, indicative of the potential that faith and community service hold in fostering connection and growth.


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