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Blue Care honours loyal staff

Blue Care Brisbane Community Care Manager Cathy Thomas was honoured to receive an award for 20 years service. Photo courtesy of Blue Care
BLUE UNIFORMS were replaced with glamorous attire on 3 November at this year’s Blue Care Staff Recognition Night where 63 employees were honoured for reaching a career milestone of 20 years continuous service with the organisation.

The awards also recognised 35 services where staff showed amazing courage, resilience and innovation during the Queensland natural disasters earlier this year.

Staff travelled to Brisbane from all over Queensland and northern New South Wales to attend the special evening at Rydges South Bank Hotel where Blue Care Executive Director, Robyn Batten, paid tribute to all staff and made special mention of services where staff demonstrated outstanding commitment to clients and residents under extraordinary circumstances.

“Ninety-nine per cent of Queensland was declared a disaster zone this year when first the floods and then cyclone Yasi devastated rural and coastal communities,” Ms Batten said.

“This was a devastating time for so many and yet throughout it there were acts of courage and selflessness as Blue Care staff in communities across the state did what they could for people in their care and for friends, families and even strangers.

“These staff truly went above and beyond the call of duty during very testing times and it’s important we acknowledge their
tremendous eff orts.

“Equally important is the acknowledgment of our staff who have been with us for 20 years, supporting vital care services in
their local communities day in and day out.

“Together these staff have dedicated more than two million hours delivering care or support to Australians in need.”

Blue Care Brisbane Community Care Manager, Cathy Thomas, said she was honoured to receive an award for 20 years
of service.

“During a placement with Blue Care, before I started working for the organisation, I witnessed the resilience, kindness and ability of the Blue Nurses to adapt to many and varied situations, which really struck a chord with me,” Ms Thomas said.

“Blue Care undoubtedly changes the lives of the people receiving services.”

Blue Care originated in 1953 from the determination and passion of a few church people, namely founder, Rev Arthur
Preston, and the first Blue Nurse, Olive Smith OAM .

It now off ers assistance to 12 500 people each day across community, residential and retirement living settings.

Photo : Blue Care Brisbane Community Care Manager Cathy Thomas was honoured to receive an award for 20 years service. Photo courtesy of Blue Care