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Client wellbeing a priority for Blue Care FNQ

As Queensland prepares for Tropical Cyclone Yasi, Blue Care is taking unprecedented steps to ensure the safety and wellbeing of people in its care.

Across the state, Blue Care employees have been working with local disaster management groups to ensure there is enough fuel, food, medical and power supplies for the days ahead.

Blue Care Residential Services Director Richard Olley said the leading not-for-profit organisation has four aged care facilities in the most dangerous part of the cyclone zone: 
– Garden Settlement, Townsville 
– Mareeba Garden Settlement, Mareeba 
– Bluehaven Aged Care Facility, Ingham 
– Glenmead Aged Care Facility, Cairns

“All residents in Blue Care nursing homes at Ingham, Cairns and Mareeba are safe and all possible preparations have been made to ensure their continued safety on site,” Mr Olley said. “Residents and staff of Garden Settlement at Townsville evacuated yesterday and spent a comfortable night in Ignatius Hall.

“All residents are safe and if relatives wish to find out more information about family members of Blue Care nursing homes in the cyclone-zone they can call 1800 838 929.

“Communications may become difficult during the cyclone, which is why we will relay important information to local radio stations should we need to and continue uploading messages to our website www.bluecare.org.au.”

Blue Care’s Community Care and Respite services in the cyclone zone have provided essential care services this morning and preparations have been made for at-risk clients. Their details have also been provided to the State Emergency Service.

Blue Care began in 1953 and has grown into one of Australia’s leading providers of community health and residential aged care, supporting more than 12,500 people every day.