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Directing mission for UnitingCare

Colleen Geyer. Photo by Osker Lau

THIS year UnitingCare Queensland welcomed a new Director of Mission to its ranks, former Blue Care Director of Mission, Colleen Geyer.

Ms Geyer said the role is both new and old.

“We’ve had a UnitingCare Queensland Director of Mission previously (Rev Robyn Kidd), but it was only half time, whereas now it’s full time,” she said.

Focus areas for this new role include cultural identity of the organisation and its connections with the greater Uniting Church in Queensland, chaplaincy, leadership and sustainable mission.

“It’s all about who we are – the Uniting Church in Queensland living out its mission through the provision of community services – and how we hold our identity while we are also responsible in the provision of the services and remaining viable for the future,” she said.

“It’s about what defines us and how this influences how we do what we do.

Our values are key to this and how we live them out in our everyday work, how we care for the people we serve and how we relate to others who work in UnitingCare Queensland.

“It’s about leadership – working with others to develop a leadership model and framework for UnitingCare Queensland, and our executive orientation, making the connections with other parts of the church – presbyteries, synods, congregations – and chaplaincy and pastoral care services across UnitingCare Queensland.”

Ms Geyer will continue her work in the area of environmental sustainability and will chair a UnitingCare Queensland Sustainability Coordination Team to look at how the organisation can continue to make a diff erence to the planet as responsible members of the community.

She is also Chair of the UnitingCare Queensland Human Research Ethics Committee

Ms Geyer also has high hopes for the connections between the organisation and congregations.

“My hopes for the role are that it will, as part of the church, which includes UnitingCare Queensland, continue to understand the wonderful work we do together; make the connections between UnitingCare Queensland and other parts of the church; and that we will be courageous enough to be where we need to be in our communities, witnessing to God’s love for all.”

Rev Heather den Houting will replace Ms Geyer as Blue Care Director of Mission in April.

Photo : Colleen Geyer. Photo by Osker Lau