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Facebook fans run online for poverty

UNITINGWORLD IS one of many nonprofi t organisations exploring the new world of Social Fundraising.

Also known as Peer to Peer fundraising, this involves individuals or teams running or walking for a cause and enlisting their social media friends to support them.

UnitingWorld Associate Director (Pacific) Bruce Mullan said the trend is now being used in Queensland for the Bridge to Brisbane and the Noosa Challenge.

“Now, UnitingWorld is jumping on board,” said Mr Mullan.

“Runners can set up a special website accessible to family, friends and colleagues so their social network can sponsor them with online donations.

“They can share messages of inspiration, start a blog and post images or video to help raise funds to alleviate poverty through UnitingWorld community development and peacemaking programs in Asia, Africa and the Pacific,” he said.

Donations over $2 are tax deductible.

To support UnitingWorld in the Bridge to Brisbane on 11 September, go to http://fundraise.bridgetobrisbane.com.au/event/2011 or for the Noosa Challenge in November, visit www.everydayhero.com.au/event/noosa_triathlon_multisport_ festival and search for “UnitingWorld”.