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Nature at your service

UNITINGJUSTICE Australia has produced a collection of worship and education resources for Church members to coincide with World Environment Day on Sunday 5 June.

Themed as Nature at your service, the free resources include tools for educational use, theological refl ections, liturgical
resources, sermon starters and activities for children and families.

Established in 1972, World Environment Day is celebrated annually on 5 June.

Over the past 39 years it has become one of the main vehicles the United Nations uses to stimulate worldwide awareness of the environment Nature at your service and encourage political attention and action.

2011 is the International Year of Forests and this year’s World Environment Day will focus on the importance of the world’s
forests in the created order, and their connectedness with human survival.

The resources highlight some important relationships, discussing the role forests play in the bigger picture of how we
relate to creation as a whole.

UnitingJustice hope congregations will use the resources to engage in environmental discussion.

UnitingJustice appreciated the assistance of Cath James, Environment Project Officer at the Synod of Victoria and Tasmania, in this project, and the contributions from people around the Church.

Downloaded the resources by clicking here