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New school internship for Wesley Hospital

ON Friday 10 August, CEO of UnitingCare Queensland, Anne Cross, launched an innovative week-long internship program at The Wesley Hospital for Year 11 students.

Twenty-five students from 12 schools in the Wesley Hospital catchment area of the Brisbane inner-city and western suburbs will be selected for the tailor made experience.

The week-long program designed to identify and support the healthcare workforce of the future will run from 3–7 December.

Over the week, students' days will begin with presentations and conversations with healthcare leaders and end with a debrief, while each will have the opportunity for a practical work placement with a healthcare practitioner, take tours of specific departments, and attend education sessions in the simulation labs in the clinical school.

Ms Cross said the program "speaks strongly to the identity of UnitingCare Queensland and The Wesley Hospital.

"It's in our DNA to care about the wellbeing of the individuals and communities, and we want to foster future generations of committed, passionate and talented health industry workers, as well as being a leading state and national health and community service provider."

The 25 places in the program will include 10 for nursing, five for medicine, five for allied health and five for support services such as trades, health information, biomedical technicians and catering.

The 12 schools can nominate up to five students, with at least two from each school to be selected.

Thanking Program Leader Rev Murray Fysh, Manager of The Wesley Hospital's Pastoral Care Department, Ms Cross reiterated that UnitingCare Queensland's organisational values of Compassion, Respect, Justice, Working Together and Leading through Learning are fundamental to the work of the agency.

She said she hoped the program would be the beginning of a very fruitful and long-term "working together" with local schools and their students.

"For us, Leading through Learning is all about encouraging innovation and supporting learning."

For more information, contact Rev Murray Fysh, Program Leader, on 3371 6834 or email murray.fysh@uchealth.com.au