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A Courageous Heart (DVD)

Heritage HM Film Distribution

Reviewed by Pauline Halloway.

I wasn’t sure what to expect when I started watching this DVD, but I knew that I enjoy watching any type of history story, especially involving World War Two.

Based on Anna Mieszkowska’s book Mother of the Children of the Holocaust: The Story of Irena Sendler, this film was a joint production between companies in the United States and Poland.

It tells the story of Irena Sendler, a Catholic social worker who had a strong moral conscience who didn’t feel that she was doing enough just visiting concentration camps.

I wasn’t prepared for how much I would enjoy this well-told story, which is a triumphant tale but very confronting and sad at times.

As a parent it is hard too comprehend what choices the Jewish parents were faced with and how hard it must have been to trust giving away their children to a virtual stranger.

It was very easy to put yourself in their place and imagine if you would have had the amount of courage and strength that they had to carry out some of the choices they were forced to make.

I thought the movie had a good pace and kept me enthralled, although at times it was hard to watch knowing how difficult their life was.

I can’t imagine how challenging and brave that the Jewish and Polish people must have been living in these times.

It was well scripted and acted without being over dramatic. The director did a wonderful job and I would highly recommend it to adults. Parents especially, although not children as the war content may be too difficult for them to watch.

A Courageous Heart is a wonderful movie that gives a perspective that I hadn’t heard about before I am glad I had the chance to know about.

This DVD is available from www.movieschangepeople.com