SkyLight Paths Publishing, 2011,
RRP $23.95
Reviewed by Karyl Davison.
WE don’t often think of Christians being dangerous, let alone great Christians. But throughout the history of the Christian church there have been Christians who were not afraid to ask what God would have them do, and actually do it.
Their words and actions challenged the status quo, often bringing them into conflict with both the church and the world.
Canon Robertson brings together 12 amazing Christians from the near and distant past.
Some will be well known to you – Paul of Tarsus, Dietrich Bonhoeff er and Oscar Romero, for example.
Others may surprise you – Mary Magdalene and Francis of Assisi – and others will probably be unknown to you – Sojourner Truth, Janani Luwum and K. H. Ting.
All these Christians were change agents, choosing to engage seriously, in Jesus’ name, with the hurts and injustices of
their time – just like Jesus.
Just like Jesus they were often seen as a threat.
They were courageous people who were not always understood or appreciated even by the church.
A Dangerous Dozen invites the reader to learn about these ‘saints’ and in doing so discover the courage within to love as God loves.
Highly recommended.