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A Grandmother Prays

Pleroma Press, New Zealand,

2010, RRP $24.99

Reviewed by Wendy Scott, Kenmore Uniting Church

THIS 56-page paperback deals with the issues faced by older women, and contains an index of all the categories of prayer.

Each prayer is biblical but not overly pious – think David and his psalms – sometimes grateful, sometimes railing at God, but always connected and communicating.

There are prayers for going into a nursing home, for loss of a spouse, for appreciating your neighbours, and for encouraging others. I loved the prayers for grandchildren and their bumps and bruises.

This book for the over 50s is written in the intimate style of a children's bedtime prayer book, and I loved it.

Australians will find the language and culture in this New Zealand book more familiar than is found in comparable books from the United Kingdom or the United States, and its fair price would make it an affordable gift for someone you love.