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Angels and Demons

Running time 138 minutes
Rated M

Reviewed by Joanne Styles, a freelance writer based on the Sunshine Coast

 Angels and Demons is an action- packed adventure taking the audience on a thrilling chase across Rome and inside the Vatican City .

Based on the novel by Dan Brown, author of the controversial The Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons is somewhat less controversial and more Hollywood entertainment.

Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon (Tom Hanks) is recruited by Italian police to help find four captured catholic leaders who are in line to become the next pope.

Langdon finds proof that the legendary secret society, the Illuminati, is still operating and could be the group responsible for the captured leaders.

 From here the film turns into an epic race against the clock as Langdon, accompanied by an attractive Swiss scientist (Ayelet Zurer), decipher ancient symbols that lead them to where the next catholic leader will be murdered.

 The film is full of twists and unexpected turns with a few gruesome scenes.

 However the heart of the film explores the relationship between religion and science and the battle that often wages between a person’s head and what their heart is telling them.

 This film might not be to everyone’s liking but in the very least it will make you want to pack your bags and head to Rome , pronto.