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Between the Pews

Self published
RRP $15.00

After many years of seeing Phillip’s wonderful cartoons published each month in Journey, reading the Between the Pews collection of cartoons was like bumping into a very entertaining old friend.

Star of the book is our friend Rev Seymore W. Jones aged 54 whose favourite colour is dull grey and whose greatest achievement to date is finishing a sermon in less than forty minutes.

“Dad, does God ever tell you what to say in your sermons?” asks one of Rev Jones’ children.

“Why, yes he does,” Rev Jones replies.

“Then why do you keep scratching some of it out?”

This book is brim full of things you always wanted to say at the door of the church, comments you were afraid to make at church meetings and conversations you wish you had overheard.

As Rev John Mavor says in his forword, Mr Day has a gift of helping us laugh at ourselves as he strips away the layers of the behaviour of church people.

“Phil Day has used his ability as an artist and observer of life to help people see themselves more clearly,” he said.

The book is self-published and is beautifully presented with abundant cartoons, mostly full page and many in colour.

This collection of the best of Phillip Day’s cartoons over fourteen years is a light-hearted look at church life and the comical ministry of the dedicated but slightly boring Reverend Jones.

It’s a great book to enjoy or share with a friend. Highly recommended.

To order Between the Pews email HERE    

Reviewed by Bruce Mullan, editor of Journey