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Breathe, See, Nourish, Energize: a Pathway to Healing

Seabury Books, NY, 2008
RRP: $39.95

Reviewed by Rev Dr Marian Zaunbrecher, Associate General Secretary of the Queensland Synod

What a little beauty this book is!

Francis Murchison is a “holistic health counsellor”, and her book is a guide to living a holistic Christian lifestyle. Using teachings from the scriptures she offers insights into how to live at the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical levels of existence.
In the first section “Breathe” she takes the reader on a pathway of meditation/prayer which not only utilises Christian insights, but also that from eastern practices.

In the second section she encourages us to look at ourselves through the eyes of God’s grace and abundance, and not in the expectations of our culture.

In letting go of our lives as we think they should be, we can embrace the life that is there in every breath. She then challenges the reader to eat well, nourishing ourselves not only physically but mentally. Our society can produce such anxiety in maintaining the perfect diet; potentially far more damaging than any foods we may eat.

As well balanced individuals, energised through God’s Spirit we can give back to others “Energise”
Murchison claims that the key to inner transformation lies in practicing these principles as we breathe and embrace God’s presence, seeing the truth that we are loved, nourishing the body God has given us and experiencing life giving energy; so we are lead to our wholeness in Christ.

This little booklet was an inspiration to me.

It would be great to use its outline for a retreat of people seeking deeper abundance to life. Each principle as outlined in the book is made practical by the exercises that are at the end of each chapter.

For anyone seeking to deepen their spiritual journey this is a book well worth reading.